
In this concept, we create a self-aware "concert attendee to concert attendee " conversation that humorously addresses a common, but often unspoken issue in the music community: personal hygiene, particularly body odor. We want to emphasize the importance of being mindful of our smell, all while keeping the tone fun, relatable, and in tune with the rebellious  free spirit. in this campagin we did a limited edition package redesign as well as a full 360 degree campaign


  • Photoshop

  • photography

Ad | Product design

package redesign

this would be a limited edition package design for a 4 month time frame


we wanted to have OOH, Social media, and print for our campaign. OOH ARE being placed in HIGH-TRAFFIC areas where CONCERTGOERS will spot them. social media to reach a larger audience through the internet. print ads will be placed in MUSIC-BASED magazines such as Alterative press and rolling stones.


these compact stand would be placed in various venues around the PENNSYLVANIA and new york venues during hardcore shows. they would give first aid as well as give out free bottles of mini deodorant to keep concert ATTENDEES fresh


these would be sold online and in person at events


these 15 second commericals are used for social media such as instagram reels, tik tok, and youtube